Sale of goods agreement

This agreement contains all essential conditions for organizing the purchase and sale remotely, is addressed to users of the website and is an official and public proposal from the Seller, the online store to conclude a purchase and sale agreement for the Goods, the subject and terms of which are set forth below. By registering, the user, acting to purchase the Goods, accepts the terms of this contract (hereinafter - the Agreement) for the following:


1.1. This contract is a public offer agreement (under Art. 633, 641, and Chapter 54 of the Civil Code of Ukraine), and its terms are identical for all registered users regardless of status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur).

1.2. By accepting the terms of this contract, that is, the seller's public offer, the user becomes the buyer.

1.3. By entering into the contract, the buyer (user) confirms that they are familiar and fully agree with its terms, and, if the buyer is a natural person, gives consent for the seller to process their data to fulfil the conditions of this agreement and conduct mutual settlements, as well as for receiving invoices, acts, and other documents. The permission to process personal data is valid for the entire term of the agreement and an unlimited period after its expiration. Additionally, by entering into this agreement, the buyer confirms that they have been informed (without additional notification) of the rights established by the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data," for data collection.


2.1. "Goods" - a list of product listings offered on the Seller's website.

2.2. "Catalog" - information about products placed by the Seller on their website.

2.3. "Order" - the buyer's decision to purchase the product placed with the Seller.

2.4. "Online store" - the Seller's website designed for concluding retail purchase and sale agreements based on the buyer's acquaintance with the Seller's description of the Goods presented in the Catalog and represented in photographs, via the Internet, excluding the possibility of the buyer's direct acquaintance with the Goods - a remote method of selling goods.


3.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer ownership of the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the Goods under the terms of this Agreement.

3.2. This agreement regulates the purchase and sale of the online store, including

  1. a) the voluntary selection of Goods by the Buyer from the "Catalog";
  2. b) The Buyer independently placing an order in the online store;
  3. c) the Buyer paying for the order placed in the online store;
  4. d) executing and delivering the order to the Buyer under the terms of this agreement.


4.1. The Buyer independently places an order on the online store.


5.1. The full order cost includes the price of the product (as indicated in the catalogue) and delivery cost.

5.2. Delivery is provided by the Seller worldwide using courier companies and a consolidation system. The  Seller chooses the delivery option independently.

5.3. The Buyer pays for the order by any means offered by the Seller.


6.1. The total delivery time of the product consists of order processing, order execution, and delivery time. The order processing and production time is up to seven business days. The delivery time specified by the specialized postal organization on the website is approximately from 12 to 20 business days.


7.1. According to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree No. 172 of March 19, 1994, "On the implementation of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine 'On Consumer Rights Protection,' which establishes a list of high-quality goods that are not subject to exchange (return) if they do not satisfy consumers for any reason," cut or cut to size as specified by the Buyer (customer) cannot be exchanged or returned.

7.2. Upon receiving the Goods, the Buyer must carefully check the order contents. The Buyer may refuse the Goods or part thereof at the time of delivery if the product does not correspond to the order. The Goods can only be returned in their original undamaged packaging.

7.3. In case of a defect, the Seller retrieves the product for examination based on the Buyer's written statement. If the defect is confirmed, the Seller agrees to either exchange the Goods or refund the payment. The product must be returned with its packaging.


8.1. The Buyer is obliged to:

  1. a) independently place an order on the online store;
  2. b) pay for and receive the order under the terms of this agreement. 

8.2. The Buyer has the right to demand that the Seller comply with the terms of this agreement.

8.3. The Seller is obliged to:

  1. a) comply with the terms of this agreement;
  2. b) transfer the Goods to the Buyer according to the chosen sample from the "Catalog," the order placed, and the terms of this agreement;
  3. c) be fully responsible to the Buyer for order fulfilment until the order is handed over to the Buyer;
  4. d) The Seller shall not be liable, act as a defendant in court, or compensate for damages incurred by the Buyer due to the actions or inaction of third parties.


9.1. In case of force majeure circumstances, documented by the relevant authorities, the parties are exempted from fulfilling this agreement.

9.2. The parties make every effort to resolve disputes solely through negotiations. Otherwise, the parties resort to the court.


10.1. This agreement becomes effective from the date of order placement and remains valid until all terms are fulfilled.